Siddharth Chaini's Blog

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  • Piece-wise Functions on NumPy

    As part of my internship, I needed to implement the following piece-wise function (FILL).

    This can be done on numpy through something like this:

    def upperfn(time,a,beta,t0,t1,tfall,trise):
        val = (a*(1 - beta*(time-t0)/(t1-t0)))/(1+np.exp(-(time-t0)/trise))
        return val
    def lowerfn(time,a,beta,t0,t1,tfall,trise):
        val = (a*(1-beta)*np.exp(-(time-t1)/tfall))/(1+np.exp(-(time-t0)/trise))
        return val
    def alercev1(time,a,beta,t0,gamma,tfall,trise):
        t1 = t0 + gamma
        val = np.piecewise(time, [time < t1, time >= t1], [lambda time: upperfn(time,a,beta,t0,t1,tfall,trise), lambda time: lowerfn(time,a,beta,t0,t1,tfall,trise)])
        return val
  • My Bloggg

    This is an example of a blog post! Text goes here.

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